Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nyxen's First TBR Readathon Update/Wrap-Up

I picked the wrong week to do a read-a-thon. I've been busy this whole week that I think I've failed with it.
Here's my progress.

I read Uglies and I am currently reading The Hunger Games. I'll probably be finished with The Hunger Games later today and start The Faerie Path. The only problem with everything is that I think this is my wrap up. I haven't given up but I certainly can't go through the readathon. I'm going to be super busy tomorrow that I probably won't be on all day.

So, this is Nyxen signing off for her first readathon. I'm so disappointed. ):

What was your first readathon like? Tell me below!


  1. Oh no. Bad timing, but at least you are trying. I have never done a read-a-thon.

  2. Haha, Melina always comments on the wrap-ups =P
    Well, you know how I did that Once Upon a Readathon one and IT ENDED IN DIASTER =P


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