Monday, October 25, 2010

Nyxen's Review of "Rich and Mad"

Rich and Mad by William Nicholson
367 Pages
EgmontUSA 2010

Maddy is a sixteen-year-old who likes a boy in her theater club. Joe is a cute and popular and, incredibly, sending signals that he likes her back. Or does he? Isn't Joe going out with Gemma?

Rich has a crush on Grace, and he even sends a letter or recommendation from the pope to get her to pay attention to him. But Grace doesn't appreciate that tactic. . . .

The problem is, in life's messy mixed signals of friends and lies and sex and status, true love can be hard to find. And the real thing doesn't always come in the most obvious package, either. Is it possible that the person you never thought of that way is the one who will ultimately touch your heart?

First of all, let's talk about this gorgeous cover. I LOVE IT. I was going through amazon one day when I stumbled upon this book. I was immediately drawn to the cover because there's a couple, who look absolutely adorable and the fact that they're in a London phone booth. I then said, "I have to get this book." So then I did, and this is where we are. :D

I honestly did like this book. It really made my heart ache whenever the main character, Maddy, was feeling horrible. I related to her on many levels, but mostly on finding first love.

This book is about first loves, first times, and all the heartache and drama that comes in between that. I'll say I didn't find this novel at all cliche. Okay, there were some points where I thought, 'Would someone really do that?' but I forgot about that after I read Nicholson's superb writing. I think Nicholson is a genius at writing about teenager's and what comes with them. He really captured the essence of what it truly means to be a teenager trying to look for love, especially your first.

Rich and Mad was a compelling novel and i didn't want it to end. I didn't just love it, I learned something from it. I also learned that I have no idea what love is. But, I'm only fifteen so maybe that's why. :P

I recommend this novel but there is content in it that shouldn't go unnoticed. Read this book if you are mature enough to handle the intimate scenes. That is all.

I rate this book Five Stars.

1 comment:

  1. I love the cover too and the title. I was actually checking out all the new reviews posted today and that is exactly what caught my eye. A lovely review I will have to check this one out.


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