Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 Days of Harry Potter (Day 11 - Kimberly Derting&Giveaway)

Let's welcome author extraordinaire Kimberly Derting!


Okay, I’ll admit it…*raises hand sheepishly*…I’m not what you would call “a Harry
Potter purist.” I’ve only read the first book because, for me, it’s all about the movies! I love the movies!!! I know, as an author I’m supposed to encourage everyone to read the books (which you totally should!) but I got completely hooked on the images and the sets, on the music and the amazing special effects, and, of course, on the adorable actors!

It was hard to go back to reading the books after that. I will one day, I’m sure. But for now, I get my Harry Potter fix onscreen.

Okay, here’s my second confession…I prefer watching them at home rather than at
the movies. I get it, this is weird, right? But here’s why I do it: It’s become sort of a Christmas tradition at our house, something that all of us can do as a family, no matter how young or old we are. After all of the presents have been opened, we snuggle under a pile of blankets and watch the latest Harry Potter DVD while we share the candy from our stockings.

So, while everyone else in the world will be watching the sure-to-be-epic Harry Potter release on the big screen, I’ll be at home…probably writing, checking emails, blogging, and Twittering (speaking of which, don’t Tweet me about the movie, I want to be surprised!)

But come Christmas Day, even though we won’t have Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows on DVD yet, we’ll probably be re-watching The Half-Blood Prince. What can I
say? A tradition is a tradition. :)

Thank you Kimberly! You can find out more about her and her books over at her WEBSITE or her BLOG. :D
I hope you enjoyed this post. I sure did.

And now it's time for a giveaway!
Kimberly is so graciously donating or giving away a NEW, DVD copy of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Now you have two chances to win this prize! But just to make sure this is fair, you will not win both.


Stay tuned for even more things the rest of the month.

Until tomorrow,

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